I Feel Attacked - NSFW Edition

MSRP $24.99

Release August 2023

Designer Marc Calderaro

Illustrator William Bricker

I Feel Attacked: NSFW Edition is a party game about the people you love to hate, and would hate to be!

Each round, the Judge will play a card, and it’s up to each player to pick the card in their hand that best matches the Judge’s card. The winner of the round will be the one whose card is judged to be just the right type of terrible!

Want to add some arguing to the game? Give each player an I Feel Attacked card at the start of the game. After the Judge makes their choice, but before the point is awarded, if you are offended by the choice for whatever reason, you can play your I Feel Attacked card to give an impassioned speech about why the Judge’s choice is bad, wrong, unfunny, or gross, then find an alternate choice on the table that you think is better. All players vote between the Judge’s choice and the alternate. If you win or tie, you get the point instead, regardless of who originally put the winning card down. Each player may play their IFA card once during the game.

Play for as long as you like. Whoever has scored the most cards at the end of the game wins!

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